7 Proven Strategies to Create E-commerce Landing Pages That Sell

Profile picture for user Firas Ghunaim
Firas Ghunaim

Landing pages are the digital storefronts of your e-commerce business. Unlike regular website pages with multiple distractions, a focused landing page is designed to guide visitors towards a single, specific action – whether that's making a purchase, subscribing to your email list, or downloading a free resource.

High-converting landing pages are a product of careful planning and a deep understanding of your audience. In this guide, I'll walk you through the proven techniques used by top e-commerce brands and equip you with the knowledge to create landing pages that drive those all-important sales.

Right, let's get to it...


Step 1: Define Your Goal and Target Audience

Goal Setting

Before you start building anything, clarify your primary goal for your landing page:

  • Product Sales: Drive immediate purchases of a specific product or collection.
  • Lead Generation: Capture email addresses and build your prospect list.
  • Newsletter Signups: Grow your subscriber base for regular content updates.
  • Free Trials/Demos: Generate interest and nurture potential customers.

Why this is important?

It keeps you on track with a focused message instead of being all over the place. Drive in a singular key message rather than drown the reader with everything else.


Target Audience

Knowing who you're speaking to is as important as what you want them to do. Your perfect customer should inform all your messaging:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, location, occupation.
  • Pain Points: What problems does your product or service solve for them?
  • Interests: What are they passionate about?

Consider creating detailed user personas to guide your landing page's tone and content. We do this all the time in our Product Discovery workshops.


User Personas from Vengage

Source: Venngage

Important: Google Analytics or your e-commerce platform can provide valuable insights into your existing customer base - so make sure to complement your insights with actual data.

On that note...

If you haven't gotten around to tweaking Google Analytics 4 to peek into every nook and cranny of your customer's escapades on your site... well, what the hell are you waiting for? GA4 is like that custom-made leather jacket—crafted just for your e-commerce gig and pretty much nobody else's. Dive into it to catch the nitty-gritty on where your users bail and figure out the whys.

If you need help... don't waste time. We got your back.


Step 2: Craft a Compelling Offer

Value Proposition

Your offer is the answer to the visitor's question, "What's in it for me?". Make your value proposition clear and irresistible:

  • Discounts: Percentage-off, limited-time offers, free shipping. A study by RetailMeNot found that 80% of consumers are more likely to shop from a new brand if offered a discount on their first order.
  • Exclusive Content: E-books, whitepapers, or case studies. 49% of consumers state they rely on influencer recommendations when making purchase decisions.
  • Early Access: Pre-order opportunities or VIP access to sales events. Product launch excitement can be leveraged for conversions. You can analyze past product launch data or find online case studies about pre-order strategies.


Urgency and Scarcity

Psychological triggers like urgency and scarcity can significantly increase conversions:

  • Limited-Time Offers: Use countdown timers or highlight limited stock. ConversionXL found that adding a sense of urgency increased conversions on one landing page by 332%. 
  • Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Emphasize exclusivity or social proof ("Only 5 spots left!"). Mentioning limited inventory can increase the perceived value and desirability of a product.


Social Proof

People trust recommendations more than direct sales pitches. In fact, nearly 95% of shoppers consult online reviews before buying. Integrate social proof:

  • Testimonials: Positive customer quotes or video testimonials.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Display star ratings and review counts.
  • Case Studies: Show quantifiable results achieved by using your product. Especially powerful for B2B e-commerce.


Step 3: Design for Conversion

Landing page design isn't just about making things look pretty – it's about guiding the visitor and influencing their decision-making.

Visual Hierarchy

Your most important elements should demand the most attention. Use:

  • Size and Placement: Larger elements and those placed higher on the page are seen first.
  • Color Contrast: Make your CTA pop with a color that contrasts with your background.
  • Whitespace: Give content room to breathe and avoid a cluttered appearance.


Above the Fold

This is the area people see without scrolling – make it count! Include:

  • Headline: A succinct, benefit-focused summary of your offer.
  • Supporting Image/Video: A compelling product shot or demonstration.
  • CTA: A prominent call-to-action button above the fold encourages immediate action.



More e-commerce purchases are made on smartphones than on desktops. Design for small screens:

  • Clean Layouts: Avoid complex structures, use clear navigation.
  • Large CTAs: Easy to tap with a finger.
  • Optimized Load Speed: Test page speed with tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights.


Google Page Speed Insights


Color Psychology

Color choices can evoke emotions and subtly guide user actions:

  • Brand Consistency: Use your brand colors to build recognition.
  • Action Colors: Red and orange create a sense of urgency (but use sparingly).
  • Trustworthiness: Blues and greens can convey security and reliability.


Helpful tools include:

  • Website Builders: Platforms like Shopify or Wix have landing page specific templates. If you need to build a truly immersive and unique e-commerce experience. You will need to look at some more serious content management systems with capabilities tailored for e-commerce.
  • Heatmap Tools: Software like Crazy Egg can show you how visitors interact with your page.


Step 4: Write Persuasive Copy

Your copy should seal the deal, turning visitors into customers.


This has the power to hook people or make them bounce. Make it:

  • Clear: Immediately communicate the value of your offer.
  • Benefit-Oriented: Focus on what the reader gains, not just product features.
  • Keyword-Rich: Naturally include your target keywords for SEO.



Expand upon your headline's promise with a few extra lines of enticing text:

  • Add Specificity: Quantify benefits ("Get 20% off your first order")
  • Address Pain Points: Show that you understand your audience's problems.


Body Copy

Keep it focused and easy to scan:

  • Bullet Points: Highlight key features and benefits.
  • Short Paragraphs: Break up text for readability.
  • Power Words: Use action-oriented, emotive words to drive action.


Call-to-Action (CTA)

Make your CTA crystal-clear and impossible to miss:

  • Action Verbs: "Start Your Free Trial," "Shop Now," "Download Today."
  • Contrast: Use a color that stands out from the background.
  • Repetition: Include multiple CTAs throughout the page.


Related: A Step-by-Step Guide for Converting Visitors to Leads


Step 5: Choose the Right Images and Videos

Visuals have the power to make or break a landing page. They should complement your copy and enhance the user experience.

Product Photography

Showcase your products at their best:

  • High-Quality: Use crisp, well-lit images to highlight details.
  • Multiple Angles: Let customers see the product from all sides.
  • Zoom Functionality: Allow close-up inspection of textures and features.


Explainer Videos

Ideal for complex products or services:

  • Keep it Short: Aim for under 2 minutes for maximum engagement.
  • Script: Focus on benefits and how your product solves problems.
  • Include a CTA: Guide the visitor to the next step you want them to take.


Lifestyle Imagery

Connect your product to the customer's desires:

  • Your Product in Action: Show how the product fits into someone's life.
  • Create Aspiration: Depict scenarios the customer can see themselves in.


Image Optimization

Don't let slow loading ruin the experience:

  • File Type: Use JPEG for photos, PNG for graphics.
  • File Size: Compress images without sacrificing quality using tools like TinyPNG.
  • Alt Text: Describe images for screen readers and SEO (e.g., "Red leather handbag with gold buckle detail").


Step 6: Build Trust and Credibility

People buy from businesses they trust. Here's how to boost credibility on your landing page:

Security Badges

Display trusted security certificates reassuring visitors their data is protected:

  • SSL Certificate: Shows your website is encrypted for secure transactions.
  • Trust Seals: Norton, McAfee, BBB, or other recognized badges. Learn more about trust badges and certificates here.


Trust badges and certificates


Contact Information

Make it easy for visitors to get in touch:


Social Proof (Expanded)

Don't just claim you're great, prove it:

  • Customer Stories: Feature more detailed testimonials or case studies.
  • Media Mentions: "As Seen On" logos of reputable publications. Or, if you have a blog, you can always share press releases such as this one.
  • Industry Awards: Promote any relevant recognition you've received. In our case, we always ask our customers to leave their honest reviews on our Clutch page.


Step 7: A/B Testing and Optimization

Your landing page isn't a "set it and forget it" creation. A/B testing gives you the power to fine-tune your page based on data-driven insights.

The Importance of Testing

Don't trust your gut feeling alone! Even small changes can have a big impact:

  • Increased Conversion Rates: Testing lets you identify the most effective page variations.
  • Better ROI: You're optimizing ad spend by ensuring the highest possible conversion.
  • User Insights: Learn how real people interact with your page, revealing areas for improvement.


A/B Testing Tools

Many platforms offer A/B testing functionalities:

  • Landing Page Platforms: Many builders (like Unbounce or LeadPages) include testing tools.
  • Specialized Software: Optimizely or VWO offer more complex experimentation capabilities.


What to Test

Almost any element can be A/B tested. Start with the high-impact items:

  • Headlines: Different wording or benefit emphasis.
  • Copy: Short vs. long, emotional vs. factual tone
  • Images: Product photos, lifestyle shots, or illustrations
  • CTA: Button color, text, placement
  • Layout: One-column vs. two-column, form position, etc.


Our Recommendations

  • Test One Element at a Time: Avoid changing multiple variables at once, or you won't know what impacted the results.
  • Statistical Significance: Run tests long enough to ensure the results are reliable. A/B testing tools often have calculators to help with this.

Remember: Testing is an ongoing process. Continuous improvement will keep your landing page in top converting form!

But testing isn't limited to your user interface only. Is your infrastructure up to standards? Does it require maintenance? Will it suddenly breakdown and cost you millions? Download our Consumer Reliability Checklist to keep an eye on things.



Q: How do I create a landing page for selling?

A: Start by following the steps outlined in this guide! Here's a quick recap:

  1. Define Your Goal & Audience: Know what you want to achieve and who you're targeting.
  2. Craft a Compelling Offer: Give value in exchange for the visitor's action.
  3. Design for Conversion: Use visual hierarchy, mobile optimization, etc.
  4. Write Persuasive Copy: Highlight benefits and address pain points.
  5. Use Images & Videos: Make your products shine, and explain complex concepts.
  6. Build Trust: Display security badges, customer testimonials, etc.
  7. A/B Test & Optimize: Data-driven decisions lead to the best results!


Q: How do you structure a sales landing page?

A: While there's some flexibility, a successful structure often includes:

  • Headline & Subheadline: Grab attention and establish value upfront.
  • Hero Image/Video: Showcase your product or service in its best light.
  • Benefit Breakdown: Use bullet points and short paragraphs.
  • Social Proof: Testimonials, reviews, and case studies.
  • Call-to-Action: Make it prominent and repeated.
  • Trust Elements: Security badges and contact information.


Q: How can I make my landing page more effective?

A: Here are some additional tips:

  • Keep it Focused: Resist the urge to cram in too much information.
  • Clear Navigation: If included, make it minimal to avoid distraction from the goal.
  • Match Ad Messaging: Align your landing page with the ad that brought the visitor.
  • Speed Matters: Optimize image sizes and use a fast hosting platform.


Q: How do I create a successful sales page?

A: Success hinges on several factors:

  • A Compelling Offer: Solve a real problem for your target audience.
  • Empathetic Messaging: Speak directly to your audience's needs and desires.
  • Social Proof: Demonstrate that others have trusted and benefited from your solution.
  • Constant Refinement: Test and analyze to continuously improve your results.



Building a high-converting e-commerce landing page takes planning and a strategic approach. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to create landing pages that drive those all-important sales.

Remember, landing page optimization is an ongoing process. Continuous testing and analysis will help you identify areas for improvement, maximizing the return on your efforts.

Ready to get started? Download our free "Usability Testing 2024 Guide" to ensure you've considered all the key elements for your next campaign! Or contact our team today to help you design and deliver the ideal shopping and customer experience.

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